My thoughts and quotes

1. People say 'Safety First'. But it should Last along the whole process.
(after being made angry by the cliche 'safety first'.)

2.  Engineer is who designs something. But he devises a new plan to destruct it.

3. Economics does not apply to electricity. There is only demand. There is no supply.
(Based on a famous wall street journal article titled "Demand, not Supply". A power system can't have different demand and supply. If one thing deviates, there will be a power failure. )

4. All birds do not fly. All men (and women, of course) do not think.

5.  One must first check the assumptions, before trying to solve a problem. Often assumptions mislead the true scenario and stifle innovation.
(Inspired from Albert Einstein's quote - No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. When I was doing a presentation, a senior professor responded to me: There is no such thing as 'minimum average' in mathematics.He asked how can we define a minimum or maximum average? I was confused. Then I had a weather data in wikipedia which detailed minimum daily average temperatures of Australian continent. It all depends on what you have been exposed to :))